Developer Events News

MozillaPH Hosted a “How to Contribute to MDN Web Docs?” Event

As part of Mozilla’s commitment to providing the most accurate documentation for web development, the Mozilla Philippines Community (MozillaPH) conducted a “How to Contribute to MDN Web Docs?” session last 13 November 2021 via Zoom Meeting. MDN Web Docs (formerly the Mozilla Developer Network) is the go-to website for information about Open Web technologies to include HTML, CSS, and APIs for both websites and progressive web apps (PWAs). There was a total of twenty-one (21) who showed up in the… Read the rest
Community Developer Events Web Standards

“How to Contribute to MDN Web Docs” Session Scheduled

MDN Web Docs is an evolving learning platform for Web technologies and the software that powers the Web. MDN’s mission is simple: to provide developers with the information they need to easily build projects on the open Web. Every part of MDN (docs, demos, and the site itself) is created by an open community of developers building resources for a better Web, regardless of brand, browser, or platform. Anyone can contribute, and each person who does makes us stronger. Together… Read the rest